Aura Rae

Healer • Mage • Knight • Artisan

A quiet, withdrawn mage with a gentle smile and a sorrowful gaze whose gracious veneer belies her conflicted inner world. Selfless and starry-eyed, she wields her powerful magic as a vindicator for her righteous beliefs.

Life of Magic

Magic will guide you. Magic will find you and bring you home.

"For the hurt, the scared, and the lost, the solace of magic will illume the Path. Hydaelyn's greatest blessing, equally able to bring us to our knees or lift us from bondage, magic is the way of bold truth, unclothed power, pure energy brought to bear fruit by our own hand. Let magic touch your heart and bring out the light within your soul."

To Cure & Protect

To bring succor to the wounded and fallen. To bring forth the light of magic.

"In a world of calamity and strife, the healer must stand tall and fight for the preciousness of life. Against our instincts we dive into peril so that others may prevail in good health. With discipline and graciousness we tend to the hurt and fight the calamity with gentle magics. We act not for ourselves, nor for the group, but out of the benevolence of Hydaelyn herself. By the grace of magic, we may face this terrible world with bravery and compassion."

Outcast & Forgotten

No clan, no family, no home.

"I never had that sort of relationship. My parents were exiles of differing clans, they were killed before I knew how to speak. I raised myself. Never had I a single friend. Solitude is naught to fear, tis better than being falsely bound. I walk lightly with a caring heart for the weight of grief is already too heavy on my shoulders."

Unspoken Truths

A secret inner world closed off, hidden in the dark, locked out of sight.

"Do I seem troubled? I assure you, there's naught to fear. I've lived in this world for many moons, help is not needed, though you're most kind to offer. Perchance I can ask you, are you well? Let me be of service to you. Do you ache, or hunger? Are you sick, or distressed? Do your clothes split at the seams, is your blade cracked or dull? Worry not, come, let us get you in good health and spirits."

Aura Rae of Gridania
Balmung, Crystal

Conjurer's Guild Diplomat
Order of The Twin Adder Serpent Captain

photo by U'kyo Shujin

About the author

All types of rp
Relaxed writing
Having fun
Exploring themes
Being approached
Tasteful language

About the player

Dungeons & trials
Practice & Mastery

Slang & Memes
Rushing & Grinding
Elitism & in-groups
Voice chat

-Highly sensitive person
-Will support anytime
-Currently in late Stormblood